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  • HU Tang-Ming
    . 2012, 32(2): 5-8.
  • LI Chun-Qiu, LI Chen-Ying, HAN Ming-Jie, DUAN Wen-Kai
    . 2012, 32(2): 9.
    This study takes the paper exchange column under blog channel on ScienceNet as research object, and designs research indicators system from the 5 aspects, altogether 44 specific indicators. The research results show that posts as new form of information resources not only contain plenty of traditional academic resource, but also cover relevant information which may help readers in understanding and absorbing traditional information resources. This trend should be aware of by libraries and information organizations.
  • ZHANG Sheng-Qiang, YAN Zhong-Feng
    . 2012, 32(2): 13-17.
    This paper conduct online questionnaire survey and data statistic to analysis the diffusion of three innovations in Sichuan University Library: Offcampus Access System, Mobile Library Service System and Mail Notifying System. As innovation agent, the academic library should have scientific view on the diffusion of technical innovation, avoid the proinnovation bias and the tendency to blame person for failure to adopt innovation.
  • WANG Yan
    . 2012, 32(2): 23-26.
    This paper briefly introduced the concept of the reader’sbehaviorbased management and relevant theoretic foundation, tried to set up the table of the behavioral attributes to analyze the key features and management rules for different types of reader, and focused on the optimization of the service’s process in library with readeroriented as well as their applications and test in practice.
  • LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(5): 1-9.
  • . 2011, 23(1): 1-2.
  • SONG Linlin, CAI Siyan
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(10): 96-107.
    This article analyzes the entities of Codex and their relationships in terms of conceptual and data models,and compares the similarities and differences between Codex and BIBFRAME. On this basis,it identifies the functions offered by Codex in FOLIO,such as hierarchical description,data entanglement solution,collaborative entity management with EMA and metadata management. It systematically examines the cataloging scheme of FOLIO and the role of Codex in two aspects:cataloging rules,cataloging tools and processes.
  • GAO Dan, HE Lin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(9): 107-119.
    This paper intends to explore Digital Humanities researches from the perspective of data intelligence empowerment,so as to provide some theoretical reference and path guidance for the development of Digital Humanities which is characterized by being “data-driven,technology-innovated and application-led”. Focusing on the three dimensions of Digital Humanities,i.e.,“data infrastructure”,“technical support” and “application scenarios”,it first makes an analysis of the data infrastructure and digital technology system of Digital Humanities,and then discusses the application scenarios and transformation of humanities. It is found out that the improvement of Digital Humanities data infrastructure and the flourishing development of digital technologies have promoted the modern transformation of traditional humanities such as literature,history,arts. Meanwhile,the development of Digital Humanities still faces many challenges,including the contradiction between the originality of academic researches and the homogenization of technical methods,the contradiction between humanities scholars' digital scholarly needs and their practical use,and the contradiction between the public welfare nature of Digital Humanities infrastructure and its sustainable development.
  • YANG Siluo, CHENG Meng, MO Yingying
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(7): 26-37.
    Research highlights,special texts with a promotional function that outline the research methods and conclusions of an academic paper,can facilitate the advancement of knowledge exchange and scientific innovation. Based on 564 paper highlights from the ScienceDirect database,this paper explores the internal and external characteristics of research highlights,analyzes its linguistic features by means of multidimensional analysis (MDA) method,elaborates on the differences between the linguistic features of highlights and abstracts,examines the relationship between the citations of papers and the linguistic features of highlights,and proposes some suggestions for highlight-writing. With the help of manual annotations,the paper identifies the topics of the highlights from an integrated and a categorized point of view respectively,using the LDA model and the VOSviewer tool. The results show that:highlights are generally more informative and non-narrative,with clearer expressions,less interactive and explicit persuasiveness,and a relatively high degree of objectivity and precision;highlights of highly cited papers tend to use more cardinal numbers,quantifiers,emphases and independent or coordinate clauses,demonstrating specific data and their correlation;highlights can be divided into method-based highlights,conclusion-based highlights and (to a lesser extent) other highlights,which indicate the key information of a scientific field,unfolding the innovative methods and focuses in the field.
  • LI Yong, YANG Simin, GUAN Hui, MAO Taitian
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2024, 44(2): 92-102.
    The paper takes some representative Chinese cultural intangible cultural heritages as the research object. By means of keyword analysis,sentiment analysis and co-occurrence network analysis,and with the help of the “cognitive-emotional-behavioral” framework model,it first extracts the data of YouTube users who have been attracted by intangible cultural heritage short videos,and then analyzes the cross-cultural transmission effect of such short videos from the perspectives of communication context,communication means and communication subjects. The result shows that the YouTube users’ cognitive image of intangible cultural heritage is mostly positive,with a high awareness of traditional skills,folk literature,traditional sports,recreation and acrobatics;their emotional perception is primarily neutral and positive,involving Chinese cuisine,family life and culture,and pristine natural environments;their behavioral effects are specifically presented as intention to share,intention to buy,intention to learn and intention to travel. Such could be inspiring for the cross-cultural transmission of Chinese intangible cultural heritages in the future.
  • FANG Jiazhong
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(3): 6-20.
    As a hotly debated topic in contemporary public library communities at home and abroad,transformation and development is a major theoretical and practical issue concerning whether public libraries can successfully meet the challenges of information technology and achieve sustainable development,as well as a call of our times that Chinese-style public library modernization should answer. This paper aims to explore the feasible pattern of the transformation and development at public libraries based on a case study of Guangzhou Library. It reviews the practice over the past ten years since the opening of the new Guangzhou Library,focusing on the library’s systematic cultural services,expanded public communication functions,intensive reading promotion programs,promotion of functional platform and knowledge services,enhanced management support and reform. The paper also analyzes the theoretical basis of “the third space”,social communication and information communication,and conducts performance evaluation of the transformation and development from five aspects,namely creating communication value,improving comprehensive service efficiency,enhancing traditional services,promoting publicity and reading,and demonstrating the value of the platform. Guangzhou Library’s experience in transformation and development has formed a feasible pattern:the direction is to offer cultural services and communication services in a broader sense;the main theoretical basis is “the third space” or the public space theory;the path is to implement a free,equal,open and inclusive service policy,and strengthen the communication function through service expansion on the basis of making full use of the new library’s architectural design;the service mode is to enrich service contents,enhance the public's library awareness,promote traditional library services and improve the comprehensive service efficiency through introducing cultural exchange and public communication activities,so as to make the library a public cultural center and a window of the city. Finally,the paper presents further thoughts on future transformation and development of public libraries and the Chinese path to public library modernization in terms of building a people-centered library,strengthening the functions of science and culture,continuously seeking the guidance of scientific theory,and sticking to the defining value of humanism.
  • LUO Qianqiang, ZHENG Lijuan, GUO Wenshan, RAN Longya
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(5): 130-139.
    Digital living of vulnerable groups,such as the elderly,has been an important issue in building an inclusive digital society,although there are few empirical research on the subject. Using the data from a survey comprising 593 elderly participants,this paper examines the effects that digital literacy,digital social participation and digital support have on older people’s sense of digital fulfillment. The study indicates that the general digital literacy of the elderly is relatively low,with physical access skill,information search skills,communication and cooperation skills,data security awareness,and digital content creativity ranked from highest to lowest;the elderly’s sense of gain at the macro-level (government empowerment,fairness and justice) is higher than that on a personal level (personal emotion,resource access) in the digital era;digital literacy has a positive impact on the elderly's sense of digital fulfillment;digital social participation plays an intermediary role between digital literacy and the sense of digital fulfillment;digital literacy can positively regulate the sense of digital fulfillment in the seniors with low digital literacy,and the participation of those with higher digital literacy. To avoid the dulled sense of gain and the erosion of relative deprivation,we should produce a digital development strategy with respect for the principal position of the elderly,and develop a trinity development plan involving individual,family and society.
  • QIU Guanwen
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(8): 51-59.
    Digital literacy education is a new mission of university library education service in digital environment. By means of literature review,online survey and case interview,this article examines and analyzes the state,problems and roots of digital literacy education in 49 representative "double first-class" university libraries. Based on the trends and requirements of digital education in the context of Metaverse,the author proposes an "A-B-C-D-E" education model and strategies for digital literacy education in university libraries:to build a localized educational framework,the cooperative mechanism,and a hierarchy of education supply,to establish a convenient digital literacy education platform,to diversify digital literacy education forms,and to develop a team of professional digital librarian.
  • LI Bin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(6): 133-143.
    As the next generation of integrated library system(ILS)enters a critical period,it is necessary to review the historical experience of ILS construction in universities from the perspective of technology history. This paper examines the development process of China's university integrated library management systems over the past forty years,and summarizes the background,selection process,and the effects and limitations of developing and implementing four sets of domestic and foreign integrated library systems in Jinan University Library from 1985 to 2022. The study shows that the starting point of Jinan University's ILS exploration is the same as the official development of the integrated library system in China;and like most university libraries,Jinan University Library has undergone several system changes. The paper suggests that system selection should be in line with the university's development orientation and user-centered,and proposes some strategies such as optimizing platform functions,emphasizing open design,focusing on quality control and pooling professional librarians' wisdom.
  • CHEN Jian
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2024, 44(9): 6-15.
    The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has set a new milestone for comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation with Chinese modernization. Public cultural services in the transition period from the 14th Five-Year Plan to the 15th Five-Year Plan should meet the structural,functional and quality challenges posed by the new era,new mission and high-quality development in the process of China’s modernization. After nearly two decades of exploration and development,public cultural services have accumulated the advantages of cultural hardware,software,ecology and carrier in response to Chinese modernization in terms of breadth,thickness,height and novelty. Guided by the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,the development of public cultural services in the 15th Five-Year Plan period should be fully integrated into and promote Chinese modernization. The main approaches include taking Xi Jinping Thought on Culture as the source,being driven by new quality productive forces,and moving forward in coordination with precision,cooperation,integration and excellence,so as to write a new chapter for Chinese modernization of public cultural services.
  • MA Shuai, CHEN Zhenzhen, GAO Lulu
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(8): 43-50.
    Digital literacy gap is an important source of urban-rural digital divide. Developing digital literacy assessment tools for rural residents could facilitate relevant training and the coordinated development in urban and rural areas. This paper develops and verifies a scale applicable to the digital literacy assessment of rural residents in China. It creates an initial scale,conducts a random questionnaire survey,and performs the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The final verified scale consists of 21 items in five dimensions,including operational skills,information literacy,social communication,digital security and problem-solving.
  • WANG Yujue, SHI Yuexin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(7): 38-48.
    With the development of digital technology,the forms and protection of heritage have changed,giving birth to a new form called "digital heritage". However,factors such as the replacement of digital carriers and the iteration of digital technology are accelerating the demise of digital information,leading to a serious long-term preservation crisis. The article reviews the content and evolution of digital heritage protection policies over the past 20 years since UNESCO issued the Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage in 2003. Grasping the core elements,it explores the development trend of digital heritage policies,with the aim of providing references for the long-term preservation of information in digital environments such as the metaverse and for the discovery of cultural heritage elements.
  • SHENG Xiaoping, TANG Junjie
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(4): 120-128.
    This paper expounds the progress of data privacy governance studies at home and abroad,so as to provide references for relevant theoretical research and practice in China. Using the method of content analysis,this paper analyzes the domestic and foreign researches on data privacy governance from four aspects:basic theory,governance norms,security governance,and governance system. Results show that topics of data privacy governance have been extensively explored worldwide,focusing on the basic theory and governance system,however,the existing researches are still immature on the whole. It is necessary to deepen the basic theory of data privacy governance,to build a policy system for data privacy governance,to develop its research methodology,and to encourage the participation of citizens in data privacy governance,thus promoting the studies of data privacy governance.
  • WANG Xiaoyun, XU Xin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(2): 88-97.
    What are people talking about when it comes to metaverse? Are the topics relating to metaverse well defined? What are the connections and differences between the topics on the dimension of institutional attributes? Further analysis of the hot topics about metaverse is conducive to the thoughts on such issues. Based on the theory of informetrics,this paper uses LDA topic model to explore the similarities and differences of the connotation of metaverse topics between academia and industry in China. From a perspective of social subject analysis,it presents a focus map in the field of metaverse from the standpoint of "academia- industry-government",focusing on "research,application and governance",to illustrate the social hotspots in the metaverse. It highlights the three important challenges facing future metaverse,i.e. the impact of AIGC on the supply and demand sides of content production,the problems existing in the development of artificial intelligence ethics,and the possible ideas for China’s governance of metaverse ecology,trying to explore the potentials of the metaverse.
  • QI Yun, HE Lin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(5): 95-103.
    This paper aims to deepen the researches on databases’ implementation of the FAIR principle,so as to lay a more solid foundation for the further development of scientific data management,and provide more supports for data opening in different disciplines. Through coding and recoding,it makes a textual analysis of the introductory texts of 11 Bioinformatics databases at home and abroad,focusing on their level of being findable,accessible,interoperable and reusable. The result shows that Bioinformatics databases’ implementation of the FAIR principle should be further improved,not only in their management,but also in their application. It is proposed that guided by the FAIR principle,more should be done to improve their standards of design and management and enrich their description of domain data,so as to realize the interconnection of various database platforms in the same discipline,and improve the level of data sharing as well.
  • QIN Shun, DAI Baiqing, GAO Xu, XU Na
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(6): 5-17.
    In the digital transformation society,library is a transformative force for advancing cultural self-confidence and self-improvement,and the overall layout of digital China and the national cultural digitization strategy provide policy guidance for the library to open up a new prospect of high-quality development. Using the methods of literature review,practice survey,and content analysis,this article attempts to sort out the current situation and requirements for the high-quality development of library in the era of digital transformation,analyze the international policy orientation of library digital strategy,and propose a development path for China. The study indicates that the high-quality development of library in the era of digital transformation needs to meet the requirements of “people-centered” transformation and form an ecosystem that is open,intelligent,inclusive,and sharing;data empowerment,demand-driven,digital intelligence integration,value-led and innovation-driven are the important strategic directions of foreign libraries' digital strategies,which play a normative and guiding role in reshaping and integrating the core elements of high-quality development of library. To serve the vision of building a strong cultural nation,and to meet the requirements and expectations of the country,the people,the society,and the era,library should transform and renew itself in terms of system,concept,business format,and capacity under the overall layout of digital China.
  • DUAN Qiuting, ZHANG Dawei, XIE Xingzheng, WANG Shuo
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(2): 26-38.
    In the age of digital media,the elder generation has been accustomed to transmitting some online information to the younger generation through WeChat,though they usually receive negative responses. Based on the Stressors-Strain-Outcome model,this paper tries to explore how the negative characteristics of online information transmitted by the elder generation influence the digital natives’ information avoidance behavior,and then identify the role of parent-child relationship in such information transmission. The structural equation model analysis shows that both low-credibility information sources and low-relevance content would trigger information fatigue of the younger generation,and lead to information avoidance,while the parent-child relationship could positively moderate the relationship between information fatigue and information avoidance behavior. And the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis shows that there are four configurations would trigger the high/low level of information avoidance behavior. Such a research could contribute to the optimization of online intergenerational information transmission.
  • TANG Chao, CHEN Yingqi, HU Yiting
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(11): 40-49.
    Based on the theory of public policy change,this paper takes China's digital literacy education policies as the research object. With the help of Nvivo12 qualitative analysis and SPSS statistical analysis software,it conducts quantitative statistics and interactive analysis on the enactment time and policy subjects of 87 Chinese digital literacy education policies from 2002 to 2022 . The study finds that the evolution of China's digital literacy education policy is based on promoting the all-round development of all people,taking the practical needs of economic and social development as the entry point,building a lifelong digital learning system as the breakthrough point,and focusing on the coordinated integration of urban and rural areas for shared benefits. At the policy gap stage,the main focus was on infrastructure development and the application of information technology in education,and digital literacy education did not receive much attention;at the early exploration stage,the focus was on building digital resource platforms,and attention was paid to the development of digital citizens;at the initial policy-making stage,the concept of "digital literacy" was formally introduced,and the exploration of digital literacy education began,focusing on the construction of digital government and digital literacy education for the elderly and a supervisory mechanism was gradually established. At the stage of comprehensive policy development,specific policies on digital literacy education were issued to formally define the connotation of digital literacy education,and digital literacy education for citizens was fully rolled out,initially integrated into education,rural revitalisation,community governance and other fields,and emphased the construction of a lifelong digital learning system. Promoting the deep integration of all-field digital literacy education will be an important issue in the future. Therefore,it should further strengthen the integration of digital literacy education policies into the economy,society and life,accelerate the transformation of an elderly friendly digital society and the digital transformation of enterprises by seizing the opportunity of digital literacy education,and enhance the ability to work efficiently and digitally,so as to better achieve the goal of improving digital literacy for all.
  • ZENG Yueliang, XU Linlin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(9): 96-106.
    ICT intergenerational learning programs for the elderly can help them adapt to the digital society,improve their digital literacy and promote active aging. Clarifying the elements and implementation mechanism of the social support system can provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for relevant projects. Based on social support theory,and by means of literature review and online survey,this paper analyzes the current international practices of ICT intergenerational learning,focusing on support subject types,support content and learning mode. The social support subjects include formal organizations,informal organizations and individuals,mainly providing material,information and emotional supports. There emerge such learning patterns as thematic knowledge lectures,one-for-one digital assistance,parent-child learning exchanges,and online and offline integration. The projects highlight multi-agent participation,multi-dimensional support,multi-form development,and mutual teaching. Thus,a framework of social support system for ICT intergenerational learning is established,and the joint development strategies related to stakeholders are put forward,including:strengthening the role cognition and service consciousness of stakeholders,enhancing the cooperation between social supporting subjects,developing online and offline integrated services,optimizing spaces and infrastructure,and building up a professional guidance team.
  • ZHU Yifan, XU Xin, ZHANG Xupin
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(2): 132-140.
    In the context of Metaverse,Metahumans are in full bloom. Their current development,similarities and differences,advantages and disadvantages,and future development direction have become our research hotspots. This paper intends to construct an evaluation model of Metahumans,so as to provide some suggestions for the future development of Metahumans. Firstly,based on the theory of the User Perceived Value,a multidimensional evaluation model of Metahumans is constructed. Secondly,some typical Metahumans are selected,relevant data are collected by means of text mining,and relevant indicators of Metahuman are scored from the perspective of users,so as to verify the feasibility of the model. Finally,a comparison is made among the typical Metahumans. The result shows that there are significant differences among current Metahumans;users have higher expectations for functional Metahumans;both super realistic technology and cartoon technology are welcomed by users;and the social value of functional Metahumans is more favored by users. In the future,we should do more to enhance the interactiveness of Metahumans and advance the application of Metahumans in knowledge services,and pay more attention to the legal rights and risks of hyper realistic Metahumans.
  • YIN Kehan
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(6): 18-28.
    Reports of both CPC Congress and PRC's Central Government are key policy texts for Chinese cultural construction,implying the degree and direction of policy attention allocation. Guided by the attention theory,by means of the content analysis method,and with the help of the software ROSTCM6,this paper makes an analysis of reports of both CPC Congress and PRC's Central Government as well as some other policy texts,focusing on the intensity,topics and content evolution of Chinese cultural construction policies. The result shows that the intensity of attention to cultural construction in the reports of the CPC Congress is more significant,and the intensity of attention in cultural construction policies has changed in stages,from fluctuating development to steady development;Changes in the intensity of attention in cultural construction policies are affected by major events;The Chinese cultural construction issues directed by national policies pay more attention to cultural self-confidence and self-improvement,and fully protect the cultural rights and interests of the people;The content of cultural construction directed by China's policy attention has changed from convergence and concentration to openness and sharing,and China's cultural innovation has been enhanced.
  • JIA Junzhi, CUI Xiyan, ZHANG Guixiang
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2024, 44(2): 1-8.
    This paper tries to explore the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on knowledge organization patterns. First,it collects research results related to both artificial intelligence technologies and knowledge organization published in China in the last ten years. Then,it makes a content analysis of knowledge elements,organizational methods,algorithm models,and other factors involved,quantitatively and qualitatively. The result shows that the knowledge organization process in artificial intelligence environments includes knowledge extraction and knowledge fusion;the development of artificial intelligence technologies has provided strong technical support for the process of knowledge organization and improved the efficiency of knowledge organization processing.
  • CHENG Huanwen
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(8): 137-142.
    This paper recounts the life of LIU Shaoxiong(1922-2014) and his 70 years of service to the Sun Yat-sen University Library,explaining the meaning and life potential of an ordinary librarian and promoting the library spirit of loving the country,libraries,books and people. It describes the process of editing and publishing the Collected Works of LIU Shaoxiong,and explores the practical significance of the book.
  • MA Yingjie
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(8): 120-127.
    The Library of Congress is the main repository of Chinese books in the United States. The history of collecting Chinese books in the United States from 1912 to 1949 had its own unique driving factors,which were not completely synchronized with the history of Sinology. From the perspective of philology,the history of the collection of Chinese books in the Library of Congress from 1912 to 1949 can be divided into three phases. The first phase,1912-1949,was the period of collecting the basic classics,during which a large number of documentary resources and philological experiences were accumulated;the second phase,1926-1941,saw the acquisition of an enormous amount of private collections,which increased the Library’s rare book holdings;the third phase was from 1942 to 1949,after the outbreak of the Pacific War,when the new accessions were mainly contemporary materials and traditional Chinese books as cultural heritage were no longer acquired after 1949. In parallel with the accumulation of Chinese books in the collections,the level of bibliography and bibliology of Chinese books in the Library of Congress was greatly developed,serving as an important basis for the development of sinology in the United States.
  • XIA Cuijuan, TIE Zhong, HUANG Wei
    LIBRARY TRIBUNE. 2023, 43(5): 152-161.
    This study attempts to establish a conceptual memory model (also an information framework) of Metahuman,namely the memory model of digital human,which consists of five overlapping parts,i.e.,“Individual Memory”,“Family Memory”,“Field Memory”,“Cultural Memory” and “Communication Memory”. Aiming to better highlight the social and cultural value of Metahuman,it provides references for cultural memory institutions to participate in the construction and long-term preservation of digital memory,and supports the humanities and social sciences research in the Metaverse. By examining the development status of Metahuman,analyzing the evolution of memory media,and looking forward to the functional and business transformation of memory institutions in the Metaverse,this paper explores the model’s role in building identity and value systems,and supporting service innovation in memory institutions,as well as its application scenarios in humanities and social sciences research in the Metaverse.